Tours in Saint-Petersburg

Welcome to Admiralia Tours!

We are proud to offer you the most interesting and saturated tours to feel and understand the Northern Capital of Russia!

Type: Bus
Duration: 3 hours
Group: 2-5 person

Price: 6 600 RUB

City Tour

St. Petersburg is beautiful in all seasons, and when “not letting the darkness of night enter the golden skies, one dawn hurries to change another, giving the night half an hour”, and when the rebellious Neva ice-bound, embankments are covered with snow, and the absence of foliage helps to see the city in detail.
There is a lot of water here: rivers, canals, and many islands, the obligatory one is Zayachiy and the very first building in the city – the Peter and Paul Fortress. Are you interested in Russian history, the Romanovs, the personality of Peter the Great, or your children are just discovering the world and seeing sculptures of cute bunnies on the island, here is the beginning of our beginnings city, a starting point. We want to give a general plan, show the city in all its many-sided variety during the excursion, so that later, you can choose the Petersburg that only you will like.

Type: On-Foot
Duration: 3 hours
Group: 2-5 person

Price: 6 600 RUB

New Petersburg

From the first man-made island to the highest skyscraper Lakhta Center (462 m), the city and its builders have covered a long road. Peter I could be proud of the architecture of our millennium. Mariinsky Theater – II, a new highway over the mouth of the Neva River, which is the second largest in Russia after the Crimean Bridge, the beautiful Lakhta, the fashionable cluster Sevkabel port, Park of the 300th anniversary, the most beautiful views of the Gulf of Finland, island territory, a pedestrian anchor bridge and Betancourt bridge.
And yes, the new stadium is Gazprom Arena (“Spaceship”). (In summer: it is possible to enter the stadium to look into the dressing room, sit on the bench, go up to the VIP box, admire the city from a height – entrance is paid additionally.)

Type: On-Foot
Duration: 2 hours
Group: 2-5 person

2 person – 4 700 RUB
4 person – 5 900 RUB
5 person – 6 500 RUB


There are such places in the world – museums, palaces, cathedrals, squares, canals, bridges, about which each of us can say: “Well, at least once in my life I have to see this”. And, of course, this is just about the most important museum in the country, about the Hermitage.
You will not be able to see it in its entirety, alas – 350 exhibition halls, 3 million exhibits, someone was not too lazy and counted, it would take us three years to see it all. Everything else “impossible” is possible!
The main thing is that you will understand and see that the Hermitage is absolutely unique. These are the brilliant ceremonial halls where balls and magnificent receptions of the Russian tsars were held, these are living rooms – living rooms, bedrooms, boudoirs, this is an incredible collection of Rembrandt with the absolute world masterpiece “The Return of the Prodigal Son”, these are two Madonnas by Leonardo da Vinci, this is the best collection of impressionists and post-impressionists outside of France, and more, and more, more.
And then there is “The Hermitage is not for everyone.” The Diamond Storeroom, the Gold Storeroom – this is where the Scythian gold is, more, and more, and more …

Type: Bus
Duration: 4 hours
Group: 2-5 person

2 person – 11 200 RUB
4 person – 14 300 RUB
5 person – 15 850 RUB

"Fatherland to us Tsarskoe Selo" excursion to Pushkin

“Fatherland to us is Tsarskoe Selo” – So “our everything” spoke about the role of Tsarskoe Selo in his life … and in ours too!
The small town played a huge role in Russian history, architecture and literature!
The royal residence with the magnificent Catherine Palace and its eighth wonder of the world – the Amber Room, the most beautiful casket, the pride of the palace, its story resembles a detective story with a treasure hunt stretching over decades.
The “hunt” began even before the Second World War – the amber room has always aroused interest and admiration among foreign neighbors. And it was not for nothing that she topped the list of 60 items planned by the Germans to be exported from Pushkin! In the fall of 1941. The Amber Room was dismantled and taken to Königsberg, and then its traces are lost.
Does it remain forever in the undergrounds of Kaliningrad or is it kept in caves near Dresden, or rests at the bottom of the Baltic Sea …
We will tell you how it was restored. Everything we know about amber, its origin, age, color of the stone, about the restoration workshop, where the room was recreated … about amber jewelry …

Type: Bus
Duration: 5 hours
Group: 2-5 person

2 person – 10 100 RUB
4 person – 11 200 RUB
5 person – 11 750 RUB

"Petrovsky paradise" excursion to Peterhof

As you know, Peter I loved ambitious projects. But Peterhof is a special case even for Peter. Not just to do, but to do better, to outshine the Versailles of Louis XIV the Great, the Sun King himself!
Peterhof especially two things. Unreal splendor and the same unreal variety. 32 museums. From Petrovsky Monplaisir to pseudo-Gothic in the Gothic Chapel and romance in the Cottage. Rastrelli’s golden baroque in the Grand Palace. More than 150 fountains. A regular French lower park with the famous Grand Cascade and three more magnificent cascades and the romantic landscape of Alexandria.
You can go along the famous Staro-Peterhof road past Strelna and the Konstantinovsky Palace, or sail on a meteor across the Gulf of Finland, as Peter intended, from the sea, from the front door …

Type: Bus
Duration: 4 hours
Group: 2-5 person

2-5 person – 11 820 RUB

City of Grand Dukes with a visit to the Palace of Grand Duke Vladimir

Other Romanovs. Not kings, but people of the royal house – the Grand Dukes, about 50 people, for 300 years they were closest to the throne.
Among them were great generals and saints, poets and scientists. Grandiose historical events are associated with their names – the uprising on Senatskaya, the siege of Sevastopol and the Brusilov breakthrough, but also stormy romances with ballerinas, morganatic marriages and even the robbery of the century.
They owned Mramorny, Mikhailovsky, Mariinsky and many other magnificent palaces, one of which is the palace of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich on the Palace Embankment – we will visit during our excursion.

Type: Bus
Duration: 5 hours
Group: 2-5 person

2 person – 9 500 RUB
4 person – 12 400 RUB
5 person – 13 850 RUB

Rasputin-Romanovs-Yusupovs with a visit to the Yusupov Palace on the Moika

An era of great change. 1916 – the assassination of Rasputin. 1917 is a revolution. 1918 – the execution of the royal family.
Nicholas II, the last Romanov on the Russian throne. The weak and indecisive son of the powerful Alexander III.
The heir to the throne, Tsarevich Alexei, who is incurably ill with hemophilia.
The Yusupovs, a family that lived in wealth and luxury, which amazed even the royal family.
And finally, Elder Grigory is one of the most mysterious figures in Russian history.
We will see the Bolshoi Petrovsky Bridge, Rasputin’s house on Gorokhovaya 64, three Yusupov palaces and visit the most magnificent of them with a guided tour – the Moika Palace.

Type: Bus
Duration: 5 hours
Group: 2-5 person

2-5 person – 9 900 RUB
2-5 person – 3 600 RUB
(on-foot, w/o transport)

From the island of Kotlin to the city of Kronstadt

Kronstadt is St. Petersburg in miniature, but with its own special character, which we will try to show.
The amazingly beautiful Naval Nikolsky Cathedral and its golden dome are the dominant feature of the island and a reflection of the power, grandeur and significance of Russia.
The personality of John of Kronstadt and his activities in Kronstadt.
“And the rebellious ice of Kronstadt” a new look at the Kronstadt uprising.
The era of great geographical discoveries: Bellingshausen, Pakhmusov
Milestones of the island’s military glory: Peter I, Admiral Ushakov, Admiral Makarov.
A new cluster of educational and recreational focus – Isle of Forts.

Type: On-Foot
Duration: 3 hours
Group: 2-5 person

2-5 person – 3 600 RUB

Along St. Petersburg, along Bolshaya Morskaya with a visit the architect's house, the Polovtsov mansion

St. Petersburg is a city of 1000 palaces, among them there are those that can be reached only by prior arrangement, and excursions to such places are quite exclusive.
We propose to walk along Bolshaya Morskaya Street, which was called Brillianttova, to learn about the life of the Eliseev merchants, who were the rival of the famous jeweler of the imperial court Carl Faberge and how Prince Golitsyn lost his beautiful wife at cards. And also visit the palace, which is one of the few in the city that has retained its original interiors. – The palace is visited only by prior arrangement. Time and cost are confirmed additionally.

Type: On-Foot
Duration: 3 hours
Group: 2-5 person

2-5 person – 3 600 RUB

Petersburg romance: courtyards, front doors, roofs

Front, courtyards and roofs. The same visiting card of St. Petersburg as the Neva, the bridges or its magnificent palaces and cathedrals. The web of walk-through courtyards, spiral staircases, old stucco patterns and stained-glass windows – all this is hidden from view. The reverse side of St. Petersburg tells about it no less than its front facades. We will see the oldest district of the city – the Palace Sloboda, where Dostoevsky, Mayakovsky, Dovlatov and Chaliapin lived, and where the famous House-Tower of the architect Nikonov is located. Foundry part – Egyptian house, Mosaic and Italian courtyards. Rotunda, romantic Seven Bridges and, of course, rooftops with stunning views of the most beautiful city in the world.

Type: On-Foot
Duration: 2 hours
Group: 2-5 person

2-5 person – 3 600 RUB

Around the square

Palace Square is the heart of St. Petersburg, the place of the most significant historical events, the architectural pride of the city. The buildings of the Winter Palace and the General Staff building rival in beauty and style.
We all taught at A.S. Pushkin: “He ascended higher as the head of the rebellious Pillar of Alexandria.” The pillar is not only a masterpiece of architecture, but also high technologies of the 19th century, which made it possible to put a monolith weighing 700 tons in the center of the square …. As for Pushkin, he lived here, on Moika, 12, in his youth he visited the palace of Countess Golitsyna, (Millionnaya, 32), “princess nocturne”. He worked, walked, discussed the details of the duel at 25 Millionnaya Street. And the poet was buried in the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands at Konyushennaya. How many interesting and beautiful things are around the square! Grand Ducal Palaces: Marble, Prince Vladimir … Do you know where the “Last Palace” is and why this palace is called the last? Streets – caskets, Bolshaya Konyushennaya, Volynsky lane … We will see all this!)

Excursions over 5 people: prices on request.

We have a very wide range of offers for day trips and will be happy to organize them for you.

One-day excursions to the suburbs of St. Petersburg:
– “The Way of Water” (author’s excursion to Peterhof with a visit to the objects of the water supply system and Grottoes);
– “Russian Hamlet and the Order of Malta” excursion to Gatchina with a visit to the palace and park;
– “Magic places where I live with my soul” excursion to Pavlovsk with a visit to the palace and park;
– “Revived masterpieces” excursion to Oranienbaum with a visit to the Great Menshikov Palace

One-day excursions in the Leningrad region:
– “On the banks of Ladoga” Priozersk – Korela fortress;
– “From here we will threaten the Swede” Shlisselburg with a visit to the fortress “Oreshek”;
– “Natural treasury” Sablinskie caves.

LLC “Maxima Plus”

Registry number of the tour operator PTO 012363
Member of the “Safe Travels SPb” program
Address: St. Petersburg, Ruzovskaya street, 8, letter B, pom.10-N, office 201

Instagram: @maxima.spb

Marina Maksimova

+7 921 957 47 05

Evgeniya Pomirchaya
+7 921 935 28 96

We will be happy to organize these excursions for you and answer your questions!


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